Have you ever done it? Have you ever popped your own popcorn on the stove? That’s the way we used to do it when I was little (shortly after electricity was invented and before microwaves began invading people’s kitchens). It’s the best way to pop perfect popcorn, all kernels popped and none of those ingredients that you can’t pronounce on the side of the microwave popcorn bag.
Here’s how to pop popcorn on the stove:
You need three things: Canola or vegetable oil, sea salt and popcorn (I think the Orville Redenbacher brand works best). You might wish to have butter or some other kind of seasoning to toss with your popcorn. I’m going to give you all kinds of recommendations for how to jazz up your popcorn at the end of this post.
Choose a pot that has a pretty large surface area. Mine was 5-inches deep and 9-inches across. You don’t want the popcorn kernels to be crowded too much or piled on top of each other. Before you get started, make sure you have a lid that fits on the top of that pot 🙂
You’ll need enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan. I used 3 to 4 tablespoons for 1 cup of popcorn. Add the oil to a COLD pan.
Add your popcorn kernels to the COLD oil.
Make sure the kernels are all coated with oil and are sitting in a shallow puddle of it.
They should be all spread out in the pan like this- not piled on top of each other.
Add a little bit of sea salt to the coated kernels. I like to add salt in the cooking process, and sometimes I add more after it’s all popped too. You can skip this part if you prefer to add it after.
Turn the heat to medium and heat up the kernels and the oil at the same time. Shake the pan back and forth to evenly distribute the heat to all sides of the kernels. Keep shaking it back and forth. It’ll be a little noisy. Your spouse may tell you, “Shhhhhhh!” because he can’t hear the TV. Not that my spouse did that or anything. I’m just sayin’.
Eventually (a minute or three or four later), the first kernel will pop.
Get the lid on your pot quickly because that popped kernel has a whole lot of friends who are going to begin popping almost immediately. Keep sliding the pot back and forth over the heat until all kernels are popped. Tell your spouse to go hang out in the backyard if he’s still griping about the noise.
In just a few minutes, the popping sounds will slow down and come to a halt. Remove your pot from the heat, and you’re ready to jazz up your popcorn for consumption!
You can certainly top your stove-popped popcorn with a generous amount of melted, salted butter. Sometimes I love it that way best. But I’m going to give you a whole lot of suggestions for making regular old popcorn way more delicious. I’ve gotta thank my Facebook followers for those suggestions, since they left me like a gazillion ideas for serving up popcorn in super cool and delicious ways. Here are the suggestions that sounded best to me:
A few sweet (dessert) suggested add-ins:
1. chocolate syrup + peanut butter
2. caramel
3. mix in junior mints, hot tamales, chocolate chips, reeses pieces, m&m’s or sugar babies
4. maple syrup
5. melt marshmallows with brown sugar and butter and mix in
And the savory suggested add-ins:
1. sea salt + freshly ground pepper
2. maple and bacon
3. Parmesan + freshly chopped rosemary
4. butter + cajun spice + brown sugar
5. fajita seasoning
6. cayenne pepper or tabasco
7. Parmesan and pepper
8. butter-flavored olive oil
9. ranch seasoning
10. white truffle oil + Parmesan
11. brewers/nutritional yeast
12. chili oil + garlic powder + curry powder
13. cheese packet from a macaroni & cheese box
14. Old Bay Seasoning
15. Dill pickle seasoning (not sure I’ve ever seen that)
16. Meat tenderizer (what?? Really?)
See how easy it is? And how many fun things you can add in? Kids go nuts over stove popcorn too since the whole “popping” process is noisy and scientifically amazing. And man, it tastes waaaaaaaay better. Please tell me that you’ll end the microwave popcorn madness. It’s just as easy to do on the stove, it pops up perfectly and with just three ingredients- you know what’s in your popcorn. It also makes for good snuggle, TV/Movie-watching time on the couch. Now go pop away!

How to Pop Popcorn on the Stove
- 1/4 cup canola, vegetable or coconut oil
- 1 cup popcorn kernels
- sea salt, optional
- melted butter or additional mix-ins, optional
- Take out a pot with a large surface area (one that has a matching lid). A 5-inch deep, 9-inches across pot is perfect for 1 cup of popcorn.
- Pour in the oil and then add the popcorn kernels. Sprinkle in a bit of sea salt, if desired. Shake the pan around to evenly distribute the kernels and coat them with oil. The pan should be big enough so that the kernels are not over-crowded and/or piled on top of each other.
- Turn heat to medium and begin to slide the pot back and forth over the burner. Keep sliding/shaking the pan back and forth to evenly distribute the heat to all sides of the kernels. Eventually (3-5 minutes later), the first kernel will pop. At this point, put the lid on the pan. Keep sliding/shaking the pan back and forth and the other kernels will begin to pop. Keep that pan moving back and forth until the popping slows down and the kernels are all popped. Remove the pan from heat.
- Toss popcorn with melted butter and/or other seasonings, and serve immediately.
- A few sweet (dessert) suggested add-ins from RecipeGirl readers:
1. chocolate syrup + peanut butter
2. caramel
3. mix in junior mints, hot tamales, chocolate chips, reeses pieces, m&m's or sugar babies
4. maple syrup
5. melt marshmallows with brown sugar and butter and mix in - And the savory suggested add-ins from RecipeGirl readers:
1. sea salt + freshly ground pepper
2. maple and bacon
3. Parmesan + freshly chopped rosemary
4. butter + cajun spice + brown sugar
5. fajita seasoning
6. cayenne pepper or tabasco
7. Parmesan and pepper
8. butter-flavored olive oil
9. ranch seasoning
10. white truffle oil + Parmesan
11. brewers/nutritional yeast
12. chili oil + garlic powder + curry powder
13. cheese packet from a macaroni & cheese box
14. Old Bay Seasoning
15. Dill pickle seasoning (not sure I've ever seen that)
16. Meat tenderizer (what?? Really?)
Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.
im glad someone has made this method of popping corn easily available. i was happy when you cited avoiding chemicals and additives as one of the reasons to pop your own corn. that is why i think it is bizarre that most of your add-in suggestions would contribute all of the disgusting chemicals back into the popcorn, making it a moot point to pop your own. red-hots are nothing but HFCS, harmful red dye, and artificial flavor. most taco & fajita seasoning is loaded with MSG, as is name brand ranch mix. butter flavored oil? really? that is the EXACT artificial flavoring they put in the bagged popcorn. dont even get me started on the mac and cheese powder. gross. popcorn can be a healthy whole food.people should be encouraged to avoid ALL packaged, processed, expensive food – and the big corporations that sell them.
I agree- many of those suggestions are bizarre, strange-sounding and perhaps unhealthy. These were suggestions from my Facebook followers- just thought it would be fun to include them!
Thank you-so much easier than I thought and very very tasty!
Thanks for inspiring me to make homemade popcorn once again. I used to do this all the time and fell into the “convenience” trap when we had our first daughter. Made it on the stove-top last night. Yum; now I remember why I used to say I didn’t like microwave popcorn…
Boy, does this bring back a lot of memoriies! This was and still is the best way to pop popcorn and I’ve tried many over the years. I don’t eat much popcorn anymore but seeing your beautiful post makes me want some right now.
i grew up with my mom popping popcorn on the stove almost every night! however, she always uses newspaper on top of the pot instead of a lid to help get rid of some of the grease and make it a little healthier:) if you have a gas stove, you have to really watch it…a few times the edge of the paper caught on fire and our fire alarm went off:)
also…another great topping is taco seasoning!
Sounds great, but yikes! I have a gas stove. I guess I’d have to be pretty careful!
I was sick and tired of the bags and the yucky stuff on them that I got a whirlypop for the stove top…Just a stainless pot with a crank for the kernels. I love it..I do exactly what you do with the pot. …Boy is it better than the microwave stuff. I haven’t even put butter on it and it is delicious….(saves my hips..) I will try your tip about adding salt in the beginning….Can’t wait.Thanks.
I’m surprised to read that this isn’t common to do anymore! We always do it like this (with a few exceptions), because we tend to think that the popcorn tastes much better this way!
Your taste suggestions are much appreciated, by the way!
Regards, Tove (Norway)
I’ve only ever made my popcorn on the stove, but we use something called a “whirly gig” – its basically a pot with a lid, and you turn a crank that is attached to a multi-armed stirrer. It’s still a lot of noise, and a lot of arm work, but it works really well!
This is perfect and so simple! When I got rid of my microwave, I really did miss popping my own popcorn but I forgot about this childhood favorite. And I love the add-ins. Can’t wait to try them. Thanks for the yummy reminder!
yep, used to make it this way all the time. When I want kettle corn I do this, but add 1/4 c sugar when that first kernel pops, but for regular popcorn I now use a Whirly Pop. less oil, tastes great. I don’t even own a microwave 🙂